This web site has been prepared for the students and parents of Montfort Inter College.
It contains information regarding the school and its policies vis-à-vis students. Students and parents should use this information to get a better understanding of their school and its operation. MIC is your school. The school has made provisions to make good education available to you; therefore, you have an obligation to use these facilities with care.
Our teachers have not only adequate academic background, but also many years of practical experience in education. This wide experience is a valuable asset to you.
Adequate facilities and competent teachers are necessary ingredients of a successful educational programme; however, there is a third necessary ingredient i.e. YOU.
You determine your success or failure. Your attitude toward school, your desire to complete your education, and your determination to take maximum advantage of every educational opportunity will be vital to your success in school.
You are living in an age when holistic education is more important than ever before. Take advantage of the opportunities that this school offers you. You can make a difference in your society, your country, and your life. THE DECISION IS YOURS.Dear parents, if you have concerns or suggestions regarding the progress of your child, please contact the school office to arrange a time to meet your child’s teachers. If you are not satisfied with the teachers’ response, I will be happy to meet you personally. I view parents as valuable partners in the education of the young. I sincerely hope that all students have an enriching academic year, one in which they can experience success both in and out of the classroom. I trust that your experience with our school will enhance your faith in education and that you will find in this school an educational milieu that is worthy of the trust you repose in us. We shall endeavour to come up to your expectations sharing your love and concern for your wards.